Greetings to all,
My name is Polina-Maria-Veronika, I am a consulting astrologer, the author of online services and ArtUrania website. I am available via Skype, email and instant messengers. You can contact me for help and support anytime.
When you have a live question and need to get an answer quickly PayPal 💵 $35
Situation When you are concerned about a certain situation and want to sort the things out PayPal 💵 $99
Compatibility with a love mate or a partner PayPal 💵 $119
Personal destiny with a delineation of life periods:
Personal forecast for 1 year PayPal 💵 $259
Personal forecast for 5 years PayPal 💵 $349
Personal forecast for 10 years PayPal 💵 $425
Business forecast for 2 years PayPal 💵 $499
Psychological Portrait Personal qualities and capabilities PayPal 💵 $149
Forecast as a birthday or Christmas present with a delineation of main tendencies and significant events for the next year. Audio recording is available on demand PayPal 💵 $269
Choice of the most auspicious moment for a certain activity: wedding, moving, surgery, purchase and sale or any other significant event PayPal 💵 $89
Name Tuning Name selection for a newborn or changing the name for destiny correction PayPal 💵 $129
Traveler Forecast Choice of the most favourable countries and cities for study, work and living. Relocation PayPal 💵 $159
Company Business Forecast PayPal 💵 $800
Personal 2-3 hour online consultation – free form and any questions PayPal 💵 $135
My contacts:
WhatsApp: +94786975924
Telegram: +94786975924
Viber: +94786975924
Skype: art_urania
Facebook Messenger: arturania