Creator of ArtUrania
January 20, 2019 · 1 min read

Half Moon Forecast – January 21–February 5

Symbol – Alternative Decision

Before breaking a stone wall, try to find a new creative solution since a secret gate to freedom may fling wide open at a slight push. Seek advice from people who think diversely or from a kid. Possibly in the past you got a good piece of advice that did not fit well enough at that time, but now it is time to take an advantage of it. This time is good for reading, learning and developing outside-the-box thinking. Let your creativity run free! A friendly, relaxed and easy-going atmosphere will help you to unleash your potential. A fresh and bright idea may occur to you in a non-standard situation, for instance, outdoors or at an unusual time. You need to get rid of mental fixation and stereotypes which make your life difficult. Write them down on a piece of paper, tear it apart and scatter the parts by the wind. While making a wish at a new moon on February 5 fly a balloon, a Chinese lantern or a kite in the sky 😇