Forecast 2025 – Supernova
Your Suprematist Compositions
Beginning of a New Time
Primordial Fire
Rope-Snake Illusion
The year 2025 will bring a great mystery as it opens the border between the signs of Pisces and Aries where the stellium of the powerful planets will gather in March-April! The portal opens wide around the spring equinox on March 20 and the eclipses on March 14 and 29, carrying the symbolism of a mechanism and a measuring device that will mark the beginning of a new time and a new frame of reference. What awaits us is not only a change in the real boundaries of currently existing states and projects for the creation of new “worlds” united by an idea or a mission – utopias and dystopias – be it the Arab or the Turkic world – but also projects for high-tech cities of the future and virtual reality worlds. On the basis of advanced discoveries, humanity will form new principles of world order, economic and energy-resource lifestyles. The processes that will begin in 2025-2026 in different parts of the world will be the components of a huge mechanism united by a common fateful force. This means that we will be involved as “cogs” in large processes or organisations, but also in ideological or military machines. The Spring Equinox of 2025, which is its true beginning, will help you to get into a new rhythm and to use your time more constructively. For each of us, a new time and a new stage of life will begin differently.
In 2025, there will be many very important planetary transitions: Neptune and Saturn entering the sign of Aries in the spring, Jupiter moving into the sign of Cancer and Uranus’s initial migration to the sign of Gemini in the summer. A time of conflict awaits us near the solstice on June 21, and turning points and significant events near the lunar and solar eclipses on March 14 and 29 and September 7 and 21.
2025 lays the foundations for an ideological conflict – on what principles will the world develop, on the rails of what spiritual foundations will it move? It marks the laying of the first “bricks” of a new world order, as well as the search for an idea or mission for unification – which can be both quite humane and insanely fanatical. It will create for us new true heroes, genuine villains and illusory saviours. In any case, outstanding personalities will play a decisive role.
In 2025, for the first time in a long time, the primordial fire appears in the pillars of BaZi, and with the ingress of Saturn into the sign of Aries, optimism is added, but the fire still has to pass the test of combustion! So our initiatives are destined either to be transformed into something concrete or to go up in smoke.
The year will test us in battle and in practice with active shocks, but it is in such adventurous and emergency conditions that we will be able to achieve a lot. The moment of crisis will open the doors to a new beginning, when one must take the initiative and become the master of one’s own destiny, for the rescue of the drowning man is the drowning man’s own job. Having gone through mistakes and crises, we will understand that there are times when it is worth relying only on ourselves. Faith and hope will be our compass and insight or spiritual vision will be our beacon.
The year 2025 will call us to fulfil our obligations and “dharma” (religious, moral or other duties and responsibilities), while opening up the path of a missionary, a pilgrim, a pioneer and at the same time a rescue ranger, inviting us to set out on an independent journey – someone on a raft relying only on their own strength, and someone on a cruise liner also at risk of colliding with an iceberg.
The year 2025 inclines us towards individualism and self-sufficiency, making our views biased and one-sided, and our perception of reality naively simplistic. Nevertheless, a general working line will emerge from the disparate pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life, the unifying thread of which will be an idea or a mission. We will be driven by the search for new meanings and islands of calm in the surrounding chaos, from the cumulus clouds of which the balanced Suprematist compositions, permeated by internal dynamics, will emerge.
Suprematist Compositions 2025
In the beginning of 2025 the loop of Mars retrograde, with peaks in early December 2024 and early January 2025, forms the winter Chariot of Indra, which escalates hostilities and violent confrontations, marking both the culmination and the imminent end. January and February can be associated with provocations, displacement and assassinations of famous people, as well as the devastation of enemy territories.
The spring Suprematist composition Antikythera Mechanism, culminating at the turn of March and April, can become a relay torch for the conflict in the Middle East – primarily the Arab-Israeli one, but also other Middle Eastern countries (such as Turkey) and Africa. It is capable of outlining and drawing a demarcation line on the map.
The Suprematist composition Clepsydra (Water Clock) in the second half of March and in April will promote “tightening the screws”, unpopular measures and reforms by “traditionalists”. This implies both tighter control over personal finances and limitations on women’s freedoms and migrants’ rights, which in some countries will lead to protests and strikes or mass deportations. The end of March and mid-April will also be marked by a global turnaround in financial markets.
Starting from April, an uncompromising ideology of retribution and confrontation replaces the previous attempts to reach an agreement, and will be fully implemented in autumn. The second half of April provokes coups, riots, terrorist attacks and revolutionary situations. At the same time, the determination to turn the tide of events and end the conflict at any cost will intensify, leading to a change in combat tactics and the types of weapons used. An assassination attempt on a prominent military-political figure cannot be ruled out, which would radically change the balance of power or the entire political situation.
The Suprematist composition Electron Square, from May 25 to September 1, will bring the desire to control what does not really need to be controlled, sometimes going too far and causing more harm than good. It promises a tightening of the financial and tax systems, and experiments may begin to control consumers through the use of electronic money. In the real estate sector, the reforms will begin that will lead to a decrease in the number of private homeowners. The fight against corruption and shadow income, surveillance through personal electronic devices, espionage and the search for traitors will be intensified. At the same time, the desire for social justice and responsibility for all classes, strata and castes will increase. In some countries electronic democracy will be established in the form of electronic voting systems. It’s interesting that at exactly the same conjunction, which took place in 554 BC (!) in ancient Greece, all Athenian male citizens, regardless of class, were allowed to participate in the national assembly of the “ecclesia” (the highest body of state power). A police force of 300 Scythian slaves ensured that everyone attended the assembly by marking citizens loitering around the Athenian Agora with ochre-painted ropes. Anyone who failed to attend the assembly with their clothes stained with ochre was liable to a fine.
The ingress of Jupiter in the sign of Cancer at the beginning of June will provoke the escalation of the military conflict and will intensify the struggle for national interests and heritage, for ancestral lands and territories, and for the unification of peoples. A redistribution of territories and a change in the borders of the currently existing states is possible.
From the beginning of July until Autumn (at its maximum strength) and further until October, the Suprematist composition Celestial Alliance is formed, which will serve as a model for future world processes in 2026-2032. Alternative systems of international and cross-border payments can be introduced. Meanwhile, alliances of supporters based on the idea of economic or military cooperation will finally be formed. Such axes of influence and power will be capable of both constructive endeavour and total destruction, as military action can lead to genocide through the use of a new type of weapon. Mass migrations and relocations are likely, including those to restore devastated areas. Positive trends will include the introduction of new approaches to information processing and learning based on the latest scientific developments. Tendencies towards reform, liberation, political reorganisation, and international friendship will emerge.
From October to December the Suprematist composition Water Blade will form up in the sky, favouring the increase of influence of organisations and movements fighting for national interests and having far-reaching plans. Important legal, judicial and educational reforms will take place. However, their sensitive issues will be religiosity or orthodoxy, the promotion of conservative or nationalist (including racist) ideas, in the extreme even the ideals of revenge, and conservatives and nationalists in power. At the end of October and in the second half of November, the accident rate will increase, emergency situations and extremes of financial loops are likely, we can expect the beginning of the collapse of the financial bubble of cryptocurrencies. Feuding between family and political clans and even the withdrawal of individual members from the associations due to the priority of national interests are possible. Attempts to assassinate prominent political and public figures cannot be ruled out.
While 2025 grants us long-term inspiration and self-fulfilment, it also brings a tiny drop of fear and uncertainty as the walls come down and all that remains is to run outside, which can be perceived in two ways: either as the will of Providence or as the arbitrariness of Fate. However, the old shackles will be broken, giving a chance to show initiative or fly to freedom. The years 2025 and 2026 will test the resilience of our system of life values and help us to find new, higher spiritual meanings if we do our correction work.
Among notable historical events, in addition to the ecclesia in ancient Greece, an important legal precedent occurred in England in 1703-1704 when, after many trials, apothecaries were recognised as doctors, which became a decisive moment in their legal recognition as medical and pharmaceutical practitioners; the decision established their right to give advice and dispense medicines. In Japan there was the famous Ako incident of the 47 Ronin. St. Petersburg (one of the historic capitals of Russia) was established as a fortified city on the water.
What else to expect?
The years 2025-2026 promise a new stage in medicine, pharmacology, chemistry and petrochemistry, food, agricultural and military industries, microelectronics, visual arts and cinema, robotics and the transition to new types of energy. Experiments with the brain to implant electronic devices for medical or spy purposes, the proliferation of “chemical” food from “nothing” and insect farms are likely. In some countries, medical and legal procedures for changing gender will be simplified, soft drugs will be legalised and the state will take control of them. New technologies for communication, information and travel may be introduced.
The most likely natural disasters are tectonic movements, subsidence, earthquakes, lava eruptions, floods and tsunamis. Technogenic: chemical and industrial pollution (tanker accidents on water, pollution and damage to waterways, poisoning by “chemical” food, microplastics, petrochemicals and acrid smoke, deterioration of air and drinking water quality).
Ocean currents may begin to alter as a result of climate processes, and the melting of glaciers will continue to accelerate. In some regions there will be an invasion of voracious insects, in others there will be a reduction in the numbers of beneficial stinging insects such as bees. Livestock plague and crop losses are possible, for example due to frost; the emergence of dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria and new strains of viruses is not excluded.
The years 2025-2026 carry the risk of humanitarian and environmental disasters: for example, epidemics or famine due to devastation or rising prices for essential products. They are fraught with the consequences of the use of powerful weapons which, in addition to causing humanitarian disasters, may lead to the displacement of people.
Places: Fortress cities and water outposts, desert oases, cruise ships, aircraft carriers, oil tankers, oil fields and drilling platforms, mountain peaks, ice and permafrost. Anyone who goes on a long cruise will return to a different country, just like on the “Planet of the Apes”.
2025 teaches us to accept challenges and overcome fears by playing out the rope-snake mystery. We can easily mistake a rope lying on the ground for a snake in the dark and be frightened, but if we overcome our fear and step over it, we will see that there is no snake at all. The same will happen with many fears, which will turn out to be illusory or exaggerated. The year will help us to find new goals, to try ourselves in a different field and to see ourselves in a new place. The spirit of the year can manifest as a gentle or harsh teacher, a good and bad policemen, which are simply different aspects of the One.
Advice for 2025: do not be afraid of challenges, but consider all the vicissitudes of fate as the divine will of Providence.
Antikythera Mechanism
A unique Suprematist composition that leads to expanding the boundaries of knowledge, gaining a life mission and a new tab in the cycle of life. The most valuable resource will be the time, and your task is to manage it to correctly and consciously: how do you want to spend your free hours and years of life, what is your life goal and the process of its realisation? This configuration will help you set a new rhythm and a much more convenient schedule. Listen to it! Perhaps there is already something knocking at your door that is the harbinger of a new beginning, “knock-knock”. In your destiny will play out the mystery of the clock or any other mechanism, machine or tool – from a basic gadget or a computer, to a car, an airplane or even a spaceship. This figure can draw you into a largescale project, organisation or other process, where you will feel that you are the inspired part of the great mechanism, or perhaps an irreplaceable screw in the life of a significant other or a youngling. It promises changes in destiny and the beginning of a new page in your life, but first you must solve the riddle of time and set everything in place for yourself. Predictions concerning the future may also appear. It is in your power to think, invent and construct, relying on the alternative and non-standard visions. They may also be potential encounters with mechanisation and automation at work or in business, for example, you may hire employees or will invest and learn about some process in depth. In the best case you will understand why you live, what depends on you, and what does not, and which piece of the puzzle you are, and in the end internal biorhythms will be established and all spheres of life will be connected harmoniously. Time, internal or external, can start its alternative countdown exactly at this very moment, for example, when you meet a new person, go on a trip or something significant happens. You have a chance to accidentally find yourself in the right place at the right time! Otherwise, you will understand, that you are just a machine for executing a nested programme, or that your biorhythms are faltering. In such a case, the Suprematist composition will indicate that it is time to make a change. A proper understanding of your internal cycles and life tasks will lead to the fact, that the changes will depend on destiny, and you will be able to start your life anew in any place and at any age.
Clepsydra (Water Clock)
Perhaps the most mysterious Suprematist configuration, which deals with the summing up of your innermost thoughts, conclusions and results of your most precious efforts over the past months or even years. It may be a difficult project to complete or a debt to pay off, family obligations to parents and older relatives (especially older women), or previously postponed problems that need to be resolved, or perhaps a long-planned escape or trip. It is in a state of creative inner sadness, or in conditions of prolonged trial, that you will show strength, loyalty to your convictions, adherence to a cause, or devotion to your love. This Suprematist composition foreshadows a test of feelings, separation, departure, desired or enforced solitude, captivity, exile or retreat. It can take you on a long journey, a cruise, a trip into the wild nature or bring your distant relatives. Clepsydra promises the understanding of the unknown, the penetration into a mystery or a secret, as well as passionate creation or a deep immersion in oneself, which requires solitude and inner spiritual work. Visits to mysterious and ancient places, temples and ashrams, encounters with something “out of this world” (e.g. paranormal phenomena), acquaintance with archives and family history are likely. This Suprematist figure favours restoration, repair, architecture and design, as well as all forms of art and creation where both beauty and form are required. It encourages saving money and energy, concentrating on business and restraining emotions. Meditation, prayer, chanting of mantras, art therapy and practices that support a positive inner attitude and energy balance are recommended. It is better to avoid excessive spending, dubious schemes, suspicious individuals who tarnish the reputation of doctors, as well as negative magical influences; meanwhile, intrigues behind one’s back, perfidy and blackmail are not excluded. You should take care of your health: a recurrence of some chronic illness is possible, or you may need to help an elderly or indisposed person. Configuration increases the effect of recovery therapy or rehabilitation, favouring serious or distant relationships and connections, long-term partnerships with significantly older and wiser people, and long-term projects. It involves insurance payments, pension savings and inheritances, but also fines, taxes and financial losses. It is good to do charity work, to help the disadvantaged and hospices, to help endangered species of wild nature. Remember that in any business, as in inspired and patient hands, even a squeaky bagpipe can sound like a magic flute.
Pyramid of Love
The Pyramid of Love makes it possible to experience harmony and love in action and movement by engaging in some activity, process or relationship. Energy should be channelled into solving urgent, obvious and specific tasks or promoting your commercial interests. The configuration promises vivid feelings and impressions, some intensive and active leisure, travel and movement, public speaking, development of friendships and business contacts, success in the field of art and in sales. The spirit of an initiator, conqueror, pioneer or Amazon will simultaneously awaken in you, coupled with the cheerfulness and cockiness of the Rooster. Passionate love or ardent devotion to a cause is not excluded. The Suprematist composition promises new acquaintances, intense communication or negotiations, facilitating cognitive activity with children. You can use this time to improve your appearance, image or speech. It would be a good idea to attend a training programme, learn a new language or enrol on a course (including design, marketing, make-up, public speaking), go to a gym to get in shape, volunteer or find a section, club or even university for your child. Hiking, camping and outings with friends, children and pets work fine. Old affinities, sweethearts, peers, fellow students, classmates and childhood friends may return, while an active correspondence or argument may arise. You will be proactive in relationships and aggressive in business. You may be able to bring your friend or partner to frank talk to sort things out, so there may be some arguments and squabbling. Both development and recovery are best for you in a dynamic environment, in movement or in a company of friends. It is good to invest vigorously and rest actively to replenish your strength, and you will be able to combine an intensive schedule with an equally intensive rest. This Suprematist configuration brings the excess of initiative and impatient bluntness, but also the lack of diplomacy and uncompromising attitude. It is therefore better to not to rip one’s own or someone else’s shirt open right away, but rather to look for the areas of active friction, contact of mutual burning. Too much emotional effort, stubbornness, short-temperedness or a rush could lead to stress or “overheating”. If so, a meeting with friends, good company, a frank conversation, a fight, a bath or a hike will help.
Electron Square
The Electron Square leads to a re-evaluation of past experiences and to a new beginning, which can be compared to building in a seismic zone, kayaking on a mountain river or piloting a spaceship in an asteroid zone. You will learn to survive in conditions of turbulence and cataclysm, but non-viable delusions, unable to survive the harsh conditions, will dissipate along with the smoke. The experience you gain and the lessons you learn will form the basis of your personal and professional growth. The Square will bring situations where you can only rely on yourself, while testing the strength of your faith and life principles. This Suprematist configuration symbolizes an unploughed field or virgin soil of an unexplored planet, where you are destined to be the pioneer, first settler, ideologist, developer, architect and sometimes a sapper. You will try out something new or will experience it yourself. The composition lays out the route of independent and self-sufficient navigation. For some of us it signifies a step into adulthood, or a kind of growing up, and for others a distancing from the past, which can happen at any age. It involves not only obligations and responsibilities, but also specific limitations of personal freedom, time and initiatives. The Square works fine for systematic and serious learning, assembling different pieces into one, repair, protection, insurance and division of heritage, anti-crisis management and learning first aid medical help. In June the configuration will bring conflict or a problem. There is a possibility of force majeure or social, legal or other perturbations, for which you are not mentally or financially prepared. Health problems may also arise. This Suprematist figure will force you to work on yourself, take responsibility and find immediate ways out of critical situations. However, it is important for you to give yourself time to comprehend the “universal plan” and after you have grown wise, you will achieve everything on your own. The crisis itself is not as important as the rethinking, and then you will see new opportunities to grow. All self-education practices that improve self-awareness, self-control and self-organisation skills, as well as techniques that help to overcome one’s fears, are beneficial. Through trial and error, you will develop the right strategy and test your worth. At work or at home, it is a good idea to install electronic climate control systems and security cameras or anti-virus programmes, as well as stocking up on emergency supplies and attaching stickers with emergency numbers to the fridge.
Celestial Alliance
You may be captured and carried away by the wind of fresh ideas, changes and external perturbations. It will encourage new plans, research, study, travel and adventure, or changing circumstances and interests. It is not that social vicissitudes will affect you personally, but you will still feel some turbulence. Destiny will offer you new rules of the game as a new cycle begins. You will find yourself in different circumstances, in the company of new acquaintances, in a different city or country, so it is important to be a free thinker and open to the new and unusual. Can’t say there won’t be any disruptions, but it will bring a break in patterns, a new kind of freedom, more free time and pleasant permissiveness. The figure suggests that you will have a chance to break away from the usual, broaden your horizons and social circle, bringing in new friends, associates and simply interesting, free-thinking and intelligent people. You will be able to reach mutual understanding with someone on a completely new level, to rise to the stratosphere and even the ionosphere, but only if you feel the harmony of the higher spheres, overcoming the limitations of previous thinking. Probably your friendly airship will rise easily as the ropes of restraining circumstances will loosen and untie themselves, perhaps the hurricane will carry you to another sphere or another land. You don’t have to plan anything and you’ll find yourself exactly where you need to be. Don’t waste time, take advantage of all the unusual and advanced opportunities for development: investigate, learn new languages, new programmes, new information, develop out of the box thinking, share your experiences, try new things and be easy going. This configuration means that you will be in the sky with like-minded people, or just an interesting company, and the weather promises many sunny, though windy, days. Hiking and cycling, travelling and flying, breathing exercises and outdoor activities are beneficial. If problems arise, look for innovative solutions!
Water Blade
The figure indicates the implementation of strategic and far-reaching plans and even successful revenge. It promises slow but sure progress in business or a return to previously postponed projects. To achieve your goals, you will need self-control, caution and conservatism. Family, clan and trusted people will provide reliable support. This composition implies the need for control over assets, protection and security, as well as skilful and far-sighted organisation of processes. Particular caution and foresight should be exercised in financial matters and sexual relationships. The figure will bring changes in status or position, citizenship or visa, regulation of relations with official authorities or membership in some organisation. The focus is on the wellbeing and health of family members, the prosperity of the business, as well as on the arrangement of your own places, e.g. family mansions, a warehouse or business premises. The Suprematist composition points out the necessity to deal with land, real estate and property, whether it is solving the problems of buying and selling or renting and leasing, and also indicates receiving one’s share in a business or inheritance. It would be a good idea to make a will, insure your movable and immovable property and reduce your financial risks, as financial turbulence is expected. You are vulnerable to dishonesty and manipulation by unreliable and selfish people, negative energetic-informational influence, bites and poisoning. Lack of funds or some force majeure can add a “fly in the ointment”. Practices for controlling energy and personal power are recommended, such as yoga and tantra. It is not the best time to consult an alternative practitioner or to plan any surgical procedures. The end of October and the second half of November increase the risks when travelling. Sensitive questions and delicate subjects can be raised to which you may react passionately or painfully. In general, the Suprematist figure promises a long-distance run, so it is important to distribute your strength and wear good sneakers so as not to slip in a puddle, while carrying the banner of decency and good reputation. You can act as an arbitrator in a sensitive matter and fair judgement will work in your favour.
Chariot of Indra
This Suprematist composition brings challenges and trials, and to adapt to them you will need remarkable energy and willpower, which must be clenched into a strong, demonstrative fist. Demanding and competitive conditions at work or in business, tense situations at home or problems with family members can become a source of stress. You are destined to nurture and protect your nearest and dearest, to protect family values and the family nest, or to pass on your business, your teachings and your traditions to trustworthy hands. It’s good to take care of the emotional atmosphere of the team and organise cosy holidays. In any case, it is important to adhere to family foundations or established rules at work. A house, garden plot or home office should be made as comfortable and safe as possible for all members of the family or work team, including pets, by equipping it with special devices, making driveways, porches and floor tiles non-slip. Real estate and vehicles – a garage, warehouse or cottage – should be equipped with security and safety systems. You can start compiling a family tree or register, as well as restoring family jewellery and heirlooms. Problems related to wastewater treatment facilities and the environment may come to your attention. Replenish your pantry, warehouse, home or car first-aid kit, make supplies or reserves. It is worth saving money: from burying money in the garden to investing in low-risk assets. It is important for you to make your inner world as comfortable as possible, for you are very sensitive to the emotional climate in your family. Do not invite quarrelsome relatives to home celebrations, in a word, keep your home clean, comfortable and calm. Excellent intuition will help you to avoid “sharp corners” and tell you where to “lay straw” and where not to take unnecessary risks. Beware of treacherous and sworn enemies, plots or secret revenges. You should only go into open conflict if your loved ones and your most precious possessions are at risk. The best tactic is to wait calmly and prepare fertile ground, as well as quiet reconnaissance under the guise of clarifying the situation. Channel your energy into work and tasks that bring you inner satisfaction and a sense of security. This is not the best time for legal affairs, unless there is an urgent need to confirm your original rights to some property or to claim an inheritance. Just in case, you should enlist the support of parents, relatives or loyal team members.

Forecast 2024-2033