December brings a new year cycle in public and political life as well as the solar eclipse on December 26. A month before and after the eclipse changes the life of leaders, celebrities and big figures, as well as your place in the sun moving it to some new sphere, new field or even to the Moon. It is possible that you will find a cushy job and new opportunities in your neighborhoods while they have been there already for a long time.
In the new cycle, the opportunities for promotion get narrower, the assessments of society become more severe and unyielding and the needs and budgets are cut back. Values of duty and responsibility, devotion to a goal or a great idea are appreciated. Therefore, we must become more disciplined, purposeful, and moderate in order to succeed. Impudence and insolence are no longer in trend and are becoming condemned.
December and particularly its first part shrinks feelings and wallets. Many people will feel real and illusory financial limitations thinking about the rational approach to spending. We are ready to invest into something serious and long-lasting. It is better not to count on romance in love. Those “romantic” people may use you for personal gain. However, if someone gives you real attention and time while demonstrating it with actions it means it is serious and for a long time. December 20-23 bring worries, strange and spontaneous choice and surprise in love. The end of December is the time of life-changing meetings, interesting communication and trips.
Advice: With whom and how you meet Christmas and New Year, so you will spend it. The only difference is that it may work in different variations all through December and even January.