Creator of ArtUrania
August 30, 2019 · 2 min read

New Moon Forecast – August 30-September 14

Filled with One’s Role

This New Moon many of us will wake up with a desire to be indispensable and useful, to be a part of something big. Help others with enthusiasm and pleasure without showing any obtrusiveness and critical attitude. It’s very natural for this New Moon to be useful for those who could be helpful for you. Life doesn’t evolve only for goodies and white collars, and even the most neglected creatures or places may hope for your care and compassion. While claiming attention and trying to obtain our recognition our nearest and dearest may feel resentment if we do not pay attention to their needs. The desire to intrude, to set your rules, or to do something our own way only because it seems quite right is not right at all! If you notice their resistible temptation to improve and correct something then it’s better to start with yourself, otherwise you will render a bear’s service to someone. The middle and the second week of the New Moon on September 6-13 may turn to be drastically active.