Creator of ArtUrania
November 6, 2022 · 1 min read

Total Lunar Eclipse November 8-23

Symbol – New Heights

This total lunar eclipse is both about extremes, transience, impermanence and futility of all things, but also about its usefulness and necessity, although it can pull the rug out from under your feet (including financial one). This full moon stirs us up on emotional and physical level, while presenting on a cracked platter something what we were not ready for yet. It is worth to help ones who were in a shaky or a stressful situation to find peace of mind and comfort. The more stubbornly one resisted the changes, the more difficult they can be, but even a thunderbolt of lightning can illuminate the way out of the dead end. Extremes in assessments and actions in affective state may be destructive, while soberness of mind and healthy humour will be helpful. Around the full moon and from November 15 manipulations and planned surgeries on the lower abdomen, arms, legs and feet are not recommended. This lunar eclipse changes the range of what is beloved, familiar, acceptable, so that we can try the limits of our strengths and possibilities (including the psyche and the physical body), and it may turn out that we are capable of much more than we allowed and used to think. Around the full moon the accident rate, as well as the risk of breakdowns and technical malfunctions increases. It is better not to book flights on these days for those who do not really need, and it is worth to check the compliance with safety measures and brakes just in case.