Creator of ArtUrania
September 27, 2022 · 1 min read

New Moon October 25 – November 7-8

Symbol – Raksha Masks

The asuric breath of the new moon will jog our attachments and addictions. It is about what or whom we love or hate, what we are longing for or desperately do not want.  In love and financial matters it will add ‘spices’ and ‘red hot pepper’ while pointing out the necessity of certain torment and sacrifice. The Solar eclipse puts energetic and resource aspect point-blank, as well as questions of surviving, while compelling us to make a serious step and think about how to proceed. For some of us, it will be reflected in successful investments and acquisitions, including valuable experience, but also in biased actions in relation to favourite hobbies or passions, jealousy and revenge. Close to eclipses any past intemperance in food, sex or energy overspending in dealing with financial issues may lead to malfunction of urogenital, reproductive and excretory systems as well as to the growth of tumours. The Eclipse Corridor of October 25-November 8 bears risks; and the closer the exit from the corridor around November 8, the more hard-edged and stressful the days become, while likelihood of accidents, breakdowns and force-majeure increase. However, the positive aspect of the Eclipse Corridor consists in its drastic nature, since the eclipses bring us the possibility of awakening, liberation, and way out, but through the Phoenix-like transformation, and in this regard the Corridor will drastically change the life of many. October Solar eclipse works fine for passionate sublimation in love and art, esoteric and energy practices, burning all toxic phenomena and affections out of life, and, most important, for the realization of what is of true value.

One can feel the eclipse influences one month before and after the eclipse at the least. In this Corridor the planets of Power and Strength (Jupiter and Mars accordingly) change their signs (Jupiter) and become retrograde (Mars). The events of this Autumn are the second act of the Play which began in February-April of 2022 and will be played out in November-December at the full extent. Durga (Nemesis) is coming back to make everything her own way and to do justice to whom she believes were unjust.

Find out more about Durga and eclipses in our annual Forecasts 2022!