Creator of ArtUrania
December 24, 2023 · 1 min read

Full Moon December 26-27 – January 10

Symbol – Conquistador

The Full Moon can sound stentorian voice in the form of high-profile news, scandalous statements, and even military marching orders. It will sharpen the desire to get down to the bedrock, to seek justice and to speak the truth (which can play role a double-edged blade), while awakening the instinct of explorer, hunter or conqueror. Near the Full Moon, the mind will gravitate towards impulsiveness, intemperance and partiality. There is a risk of making a rash decision or stepping on the same rake, with a somewhat delayed understanding of how to act coming later. On the other hand, it is possible to rethink a long-standing unconstructive pattern of thinking or behaviour, simply by not reacting to what happened in your usual manner. It is worth gathering information in order to reasonably and ​argumentatively support your point of view and to persuade, but not to argue with your opponent. December 28 is great for purchasing gifts and visiting friends, while December 30 suits lesser. On the evening of December 31 and on January 1-2, it is important not to fuss and not cavil about minor points. This Full Moon works fine for various manual works (sculpting, etc.), finishing repairs, exercising, hiking and competitions, as well as discussing controversial issues – in which, if they do not lead to fights, the truth will be born. The Full Moon while adding a courage, will help us to correct, remake and improve the technique or methodology. However, harsh words and unnecessary risks should be avoided, because abrasions and fractures of fingers, arms and legs are possible. From January 5, the Providence will open a “green business corridor” for clear and thoughtful steps, following which by with rapid strides, you can achieve obvious results even close to the January New Moon.