Creator of ArtUrania
July 2, 2023 · 1 min read

Full Moon July 3-16

Symbol –The Fountain of Confidence

The sobering breath of the Full Moon will allow us to set rational and achievable goals. One will have to deal with parents, superiors, seniors and authorities (including government), as well as one will have to prove one’s qualification, fitness, guiltlessness, or simply work hard on something. Perhaps during the full moon, one has to beat back an attack or a threat. Some of us will have to pass an exam or the tests or make important decisions. Though, the situation is not quite stable, but the first days of the full moon work fine to arrange everything fast quickly: you may put something up for sale, arrange a purchase, become engaged, start constructions or a new working project; the continuation won’t take long. Until July 10 we still have time to relax and get somewhere with children and our loved ones, but after it is time to get to work at once. The closer the New Moon on July 17, the more stressful the days are, and the more fuss, that can affect the health. The issues related to house, property, land plot and relatives will pop up. In its best this full moon will contribute to acknowledgment and useful business acquaintances, while bringing you activity to a new stage. Due to the risk of fire and smoke, it is important to ventilate the room, do not forget to extinguish a camp fire, to open doors and vent pipe plugs. Few days before and especially after the New Moon on July 17-18 surgery and procedures on abdominal cavity, feet and limbs should be avoided; toxins and poisons may create possible problems for one’s organism, so blood purification and physical or “mental” diet are recommended.