Creator of ArtUrania
June 6, 2023 · 1 min read

India Train Collision on June 2, 2023

Our Graphic Prediction Came True!

Dear friends and followers of ArtUrania, while analyzing Full Moon Syzygy on June 4 and train collision in Balasore on June 2, I was surprised that this sad event was predicted by my illustration for Forecast 2023.

There is a train from the Kali’s right side under her fiery red arm. Its three carriages symbolize the three collided trains, some of them match in colours with the real ones. Why an elephant and a camel? The elephant is a cultural icon of India, but not everyone knows that camels live in the north of India, so the elephant and the camel together point at India without doubt. Besides, the railway track Kolkata-Chennai joins north and south. The first and the biggest wagon on the illustration reminds the freight train, laden with ore. The train on the illustration is depicted without the rails. A funny scull pattern piercing the entire illustration tells us much about the Mistress of the Year – Kali in her different guises. I remind that Raktakali is coming to visit us from June to August. She is fiery, passionate and blood lusted, so the summer can be hot and sanguinary.

The New Year’s illustration should be entertaining, and objects usually are depicted symbolically and abstractly, it often comes to an artist by the will of Providence and is ciphered, because the seer does not analyze, but perceives and reflects.

The diving into of Sri Lankan and Indian egregores allows me to foresee local events in addition to things related to global processes and Russia.