Creator of ArtUrania
September 26, 2023 · 1 min read

Full Moon September 29-October 13

Symbol – Turtles and Monitors

Hot and rich “broth” of the Aries Full Moon that promises us new experiences and unexpected twists in love and finance, will be spoiled by a dung fly in it after October 4. The week before Sun Eclipse promises karmic U-turn, which may influence on relationship, finance, work, and health (including senior relatives and pets), but staying with a level head we should remember that we all are heirs of our deeds. However, the Providence teaches us by encountering us with consequences of our own actions or natural course of time sooner or later. From October 9 to Solar Eclipse on October 14 it is not recommended to get engaged or married, to arrange a deal, and to go through the authorities. The problems regarding health and work may pop up or aggravate because of incompetent doctors, unconscientious staff, bureaucrats and profit-seekers. Some of us will come in for a lot of responsibilities, overtime work and debts. One’s love boat may clash against everyday routine. All kinds of check-ups, inspections and even an organized persecution can happen. The risk of poisoning and exacerbation of chronic disease will increase. The most vulnerable areas are lower abdomen, intestines, and organs inside the abdominal area, as well as feet; crowns and dentures will be overpriced and plain. The most troublesome days are expected on October 9-11 when carelessness and self-indulgence can have pernicious consequences. This planet configuration on October 9-14 will affect most strongly those born at the very beginning of the tropical signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini and those who have axes or planets in these sectors. These days the most detrimental feeling is that we are not appreciated and loved in proper way, the most beneficial one is heartful gratitude. If you do not look for the guilty ones or do not pretend to be a “scapegoat”, you will find peace in yourself and compromise with others who, acting in accordance with their ideas and “karma”, reflect ourselves, while becoming our distorted mirrors and sometimes “punishment”. It is worth to take care of sick and help deprived and homeless ones, while alleviating suffering of living beings. If you have to perform boring or unpleasant duties, do it with love and dedication which you are capable of, without expecting either recognition or gratitude. If you act in this spirit, then by the eclipse you will gain more strength and certainty.

  • The advice is not to worry about little things, and to treat those global things that you are powerless to change philosophically, as if they were a mysterious puzzle, which is being assembled into a balanced figure of world harmony in unknown ways.