Creator of ArtUrania
July 20, 2024 · 1 min read

Full Moon July 21-August 3

Symbol – Carapace of Choice

This full moon urges us to fulfill commitments, complete tasks, and resolve current issues, finally settling on a decision with full responsibility for the consequences. Even if we do not know something, we must act at our own risk by listening to our intuition. However, when we are quite sure, the situation can change. From July 26 the logical rational thinking will prevail and it will become clearer where everything was leading to, but the final clarification will come only in August. Therefore, when making a choice, one should consider alternatives, escape clauses and creepholes. The spirit of the full moon supports various creative and spontaneous activity, but July 21-22 is a bit unpredictable and tense. We can make a lot of progress in different areas and successfully show up, being dreamers and visionaries. Promising projects or adventures will come your way. It is worthwhile to delegate authority to all concerned: younger brothers, associate officers, and trusted acquaintances. However, if the partly cloudy weather of July works fine for both business and recreation activity, then Mars on Aldebaran in early August carries the risk of surprises and even the collapse of plans due to force majeure circumstances. As August progresses, the escalation of military, political and social tensions becomes more serious, and the risk of protests by the deprived and migrants, as well as strikes and walkouts increases. Looking ahead, August will highlight the dilemma of working and educational conditions, health and safety, coupled with the challenges of relocation. Will there be enough resources to carry out the plans? If not, the project will stall, otherwise there is a risk of depleting your reserves. It is better to stick to the bare minimum and cut expenses wisely with “Ockham's razor” in early August. Planetary configurations can complicate travel, so it is dangerous to undertake journeys in the mid-August. All lines of communication, transportation hubs and routs, railroads, postal services are at risk. As you plan your affairs, it is worth trying to return home before August 8 or wait and sit out, wherever possible, until August 24.