Creator of ArtUrania
June 4, 2024 · 1 min read

New Moon June 6-20

Symbol – Close Contacts of a Different Kind

Around the New Moon even on familiar sprinter distances of a small circle some obstacles (like gymnastics bucks) may arise to overcome which one has not only to slow down the pace and perfect jumping, but also to change the shallow and jerky breathing pattern. It does not favour to pilots, sales representatives and travellers because hindrances can come upon them on the road. However, this New Moon provides an opportunity to increase technique, practical skills and refine craftmanship; the work will finally will be done satisfactory and technically proficient but some flaws can be found anyway. One has to memorize, learn and pass a test, do a boring or unloved job, make ends meet on a budget, or restore supply chains. This New Moon is worth to approach to the choice of options responsibly and seriously, while avoiding the corners of the love or friendship trapezoid carefully. Relationship may be skidded due to dishonesty, unfairness, self-interest and irresponsibility of partners, as well as failure to fulfill obligations in time. Some of us will tend to count personal offences and mutual finances – they are facing a test of their feelings into which naked calculation could have crept in. A friend can show different interests, and an acquaintance, neighbour or a cousin can remove the mask of courtesy. An acute shortage of time, temporary separation or the need to resolve inheritance disputes cannot be ruled out. During this New Moon one should beware of shady enterprises, dodgy business, and dubious acquaintances. On 14-20 deception may be exposed – the risk of infections, viruses and intoxication (including alcohol) will increase. The breath of the New Moon will reveal the natural split in our mind – when the lower mind (subconscious) desires one thing, whist the higher intellect desires another, so our energy is being wasted on the struggle with doubts and inner dialog. The clue is to interconnect with prana – practice breathing exercise, walk outdoors, watch your steps (as in dynamic meditation), achieve tiny gaps between fast-paced thoughts, so that way you can change the worn out “gramophone record” and breathe freely. This New Moon especially on the first week one doesn’t have to rush into choosing options – you need to “breathe” them out, delve into the essence of the problem and see the integrity (wholeness) without contradictions.  Close to the Summer Solstice and Yoga Day on June 21, when Sun enters to the tropical sign of Cancer we are able to resolve problems, coordinate activities, arrange household affairs, and then many things will come together on their own.