This New Moon inclines us to show farsightedness, executive ability and patience, without fear of difficulty, which, together with self-discipline, will serve us well and help us to achieve what we have planned. We can start to live a more conscious or frugal lifestyle, find a serious purpose or a job. The focus is on elders, more experienced people and mentors, as well as elderly and distant relatives to whom we should show respect and fulfil our obligations (e.g., visit or help financially). A tense early November could prove productive, but one should not take any unnecessary risks. The conflict will manifest itself in contradictions between personal and collective will, abuse of power and attempts to impose one’s will (e.g., coercion by superiors or intimidation by consequences or punishment). The November 4 is an interesting day promising a non-unobvious coincidence, a breakthrough or an insight. Overall, this New Moon will involve us in something lasting and works well for long-term investments, undercover bargains and projects relating to land, mining, property, repair, restoration and protection, as well as planned heart and genital surgery on November 5-7. One can receive rental income, an old debt or an inheritance. The spirit of this New Moon gives us the strength to endure the vicissitudes of life, to penetrate the secret or the unknown, and to take advantage of behind-the-scenes and informal support. The most valuable thing, however, is that it gives us the opportunity to gain access to inner, hidden reserves, for the sake of which it is worth daring to look inside oneself, impartially assess both pleasant and unpleasant qualities of character – fears and weaknesses. Energy and tantric practices work well. November 12-13 does not favour public speaking and travel. It is important to use the available potential properly and not to be in a hurry, because our aspirations and actions have far-reaching consequences. This New Moon will set in motion major political events and long-term scenarios, showing tendencies to manipulate the masses and harness collective forces for one’s own interests; with a strong undercurrent, there will be a lot of bragging and grandstanding, especially on November 3-5. This New Moon, as well as the next Full Moon, does not rule out violent actions and force majeure as well as assassinations and plane crashes.