The newborn spirit of the New Moon has an intractable and obstinate nature, like the northern Boreas, making the beginning of December dynamic and tense in the sense that problems can ricochet one after another. The loop of Mars, tightly twisting around December 7, adds reckless and sturdiness, provoking escalation in the international arena. For the period up to December 9, it is worth planning difficult and unloved, but obligatory tasks, or working on mistakes, the shortcomings and troubleshooting. Then, after December 9, the most assiduous and fortunate of us will be able to experience the relative ease of being. As they say: God helps those who help themselves. It is not the best time to count on the favour of a superior, an important person or a person of consequence. Early December works fine for research work and critical analysis, dismantling and repairing of broken equipment, cleaning and sharpening tools. This New Moon leads us along a steep and bumpy path of ascent, like a stubborn donkey carrying us to the top of Everest. On this path it is not easy to reach a compromise, much less a reconciliation, and once the ‘’mess’’ has begun, it will no longer be possible to retreat, so it’s important to scout the situation beforehand. If we are brave enough to look beyond horizon, are endowed with strategic vision and do not afraid of difficulties, this ascend will be accompanied by spiritual and personal growth. Competitions and battles, broadening one’s horizons, coming off the beaten tracks and pilgrimages are all in keeping with its spirit. December 10-15 will quench our thirst for new impressions and thrills; in love and mutual relationship these days will add passion and poignancy with a drop of bloodthirstiness in the style of Tarantino’s films. They will bring both new acquaintances and old friends, while becoming an interesting time for meetings, trips and unusual souvenirs. Because this New Moon occurs at Aldebaran-Antares axis, it bears risks of unforeseen incidents. There should be a balance between the need for risk and the avoidance of unnecessary hardship.