Creator of ArtUrania
July 31, 2024 · 1 min read

New Moon August 4-18

Symbol – Murugan's Spears

From this New Moon onwards, our minds are set on practical and earthly goals, while giving opportunities to clear up details and particularities, to draw a plan or to make up an estimate, to calculate the budget and to buy all necessary supplies. It is worth to work with information, prepare for exams, monetise knowledge through consultations and services, and pay attention to diet and fitness. Mercury’s retrograde motion, especially on August 5-15, gives a chance to correct errors, contemplate upon the situation and to analyse everything once again. This New Moon increases our willpower and determination in urge to solve a long-standing problem – to summon up all our will and break free. However, the expansion of living space will not happen without firing a single shot. On the one hand, we tend to stand up for our freedom, views and position with a great energy and enthusiasm; and on the other hand, overconfidence and obstinacy will lead to conflicts with superiors and the immediate milieu. The mid-August intensifies polarization of opinions and interpersonal confrontation. In the August haze a thunderstorm will break out threatening to befall on the heads of those who have spoken and acted too defiantly and imprudently. The terrorist acts and provocations on the international level are possible. The days around the next Full Moon will mark with a red line the boundaries of what is desired and what is permitted – what kind of freedom and in what areas is desired: freedom of speech or education, freelancing, flexible working hours or freedom of movement? Corruption or sport scandals, strikes, protests, armed rebellions, the arbitrariness of the authorities, politicians and the military will make a lot of noise. One should have in mind that no matter how loudly each side or party proclaims its unshakable righteousness, the options currently being offered are twin brothers of the same mother: two packs of chips from the same company – one salted and one hot. In November-December they can reshuffle and change places. Therefore, although everyone is for “good and truth”, we have to choose the lesser and palatable of two evils. Nevertheless, August opens a portal to the brighter future – how we want to see it and what needs to be done to achieve it.