Creator of ArtUrania
September 2, 2024 · 1 min read

New Moon September 3-17

Symbol – Wanda Fish

At the beginning of September one can underestimate or overestimate the loyalty of a spouse, the honesty of partners and trusted persons, as well as the threat of money and legal expenses, the value of works of art and other assets. It is easy to confuse selfish interests with sincere mutual support, to sell too cheaply and to bet on the wrong horse. The time does not favour the lawsuits by spouses or partners, which will entail hanging the dirty laundry. The female person who is too “compassionate”, sympathetic, or, conversely, is an unscrupulous designer who can put a decent, hypocritical face while playing unfairly can be involved. One can be forced into an ambiguous situation where the choice is imposed or biased. The kidneys are vulnerable during this new moon – the main thing is not to catch a cold or infection, especially when bathing in stagnant water. The same applies to the liver and intestines, which are exposed to the harmful influence of catering establishments. Meanwhile, at home, it is worth replenishing your stock whilst strengthening your health with exercise and walks in the garden or in the yard. Days starting from September 9 are good for study and careful, considered application of knowledge in practice, but the time to actively expand your sphere of influence hasn’t yet come. It is better to strengthen the back areas (also with a letter of recommendation and other documents) since problems can come from there. The back areas also mean elderly relatives, parents, vehicles and home, the peace and quiet of which can be shattered requiring repairs, installation of protective equipment, construction of security and other structures (for example, alarm system, kennel, tap or well). If during September 6-13, your efforts to get ahead run into a pitfall in the internal or unwritten rules of the organisation itself, or into a set-up of envious people, then by mid-September your chances of being appreciated and gaining popularity will increase many times over. These days work fine for advertisement, for attracting profitable clients, for making deals, as well as for improving image and bringing glamour and beauty. You can get good recommendations or find a worthy teacher. It is good to visit exhibitions, concerts, vernissages, and to have a decent rest.  At this time the plans for a beautiful life for some of us will elegantly intertwine with sponsorship and gifts of fate.